Derek K. Nielsen's Dortia Series "One of my passions is to learn. I love to read about physics. Lately I have been searching astrophysical discoveries and found one of curious beauty: MyCn18. This photo captivates me. Of course you can see why, if you have read some of my other pages you will know about my connection to the symbolism of the eye. Cat's Eye Nebula is amazing! It astounds me that these images are just above our heads to be plucked out and viewed. What does the Orion Nebula resemble to you? There is so much beauty everywhere. How do you feel about this photo? I never get tired of seeing the sun rise. The sun is also immensly fascinating. Did you know that the sun's magnetic pole flips every eleven years, and that it will flip again in 2012? And speaking of the heliosphere, how many spirals influence your life? Try counting them." - Nielsen
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