Primary Connections
48" x 96"
Acrylic on Masonite
Created 2005


"Pieces of this size are incredibly difficult to create. The effect acheived requires the whole board to be rendered at once because the acrylic, once dry, cannot be reworked. Acrylic dries quickly and must be handled very carefully or the whole painting is doomed. The scary thing is that once I get to that final stage of applying the pigmented acrylic I have already put so many hours to the work that one mistake could ruin it all. This piece being my very first attempt at this size shows that with much care I can pull it off well. But, let me tell you that it was not fun; not at all like the smaller pieces, which I enjoy so much to create. This piece is so huge and cumbersome. I can barely lift it myself. I get a nice work out moving it around the studio." - Nielsen


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© Derek K. Nielsen 2000 - 2007