Fields 24" x 48" Acrylic on Masonite Created 2005 |
“This was custom painted for a theta healer who has yet to pick it up. Notice how two fields intermingle and remark how your energies blend with those around you, especially your work mates. Those tensions are specifically designed by your for your benefit. How are you going to move through them? "Custom creations are my favorite because it involves connecting to members of my human family. Before I start a painting I have an intimate talk with my brother or sister (my client) to find out why they are here on Earth at this time. We create a statement that sums up that reason and I have them put that energy into the painting by literally starting the painting by sanding the board and stating out loud with power the statement. "When I am clear, my voice is a powerful tool to bring about beautiful creations. And so I teach that to all of my clients." - Nielsen |
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K. Nielsen 2000 - 2005 |